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Minimally Invasive Procedures To Repair Damaged Veins

Mar 22

A vein is a tube that transports deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart. It's not indestructible, though, and sometimes damaged veins in legs can occur. Luckily, there are numerous treatment options to address the issue, from at-home treatments to medical procedures.

For example, wearing compression stockings and elevating your feet can help to relieve the pain of mild conditions like varicose veins. However, these home treatments won't permanently repair the condition or prevent it from returning. For more intense symptoms, doctors can provide a variety of minimally invasive procedures to treat damaged veins.

Varicose veins, which are enlarged, knotted clusters of purple-colored veins, usually appear on the legs. They can result from damaged valves and walls in the veins, which can lead to a buildup of pressure in the vein. As the vein enlarges, it becomes visible through the skin's surface.

Several factors can contribute to the development of varicose veins, including age, genetics, and hormone changes during pregnancy or menopause. The risk for developing the condition can also increase when a person's job or lifestyle requires sitting or standing for long periods of time.

If left untreated, varicose veins can cause a painful, itchy rash called phlebosis. It's characterized by a burning sensation in the affected area, which is caused by blood pooling in the vein. The condition can also cause other problems, such as a blood clot in the veins (deep vein thrombosis, or DVT), which can travel to the lungs and become life-threatening.

A vascular surgeon at Center For Advanced Vein Care can perform several different treatments to repair damaged veins, such as vein stripping and vein ligation and ablation. In the former, a vascular surgeon uses ultrasound imaging to guide a catheter—a thin, hollow tube—into the damaged vein. The specialist then uses the catheter to close off the vein with heat from a laser or radiofrequency waves.

Venefit, a minimally invasive procedure performed at the hospital, involves inserting a small catheter into a damaged vein in the leg and then using a radiofrequency probe to destroy the inner lining of the vein. This closure will reduce or eliminate the appearance of damaged veins, as well as improve the symptoms and health risks associated with them.

Vein ligation and ablation uses heat from radiofrequency waves or lasers to damage the inside lining of a vein. This results in the collapse of the vein and sealing off of the blood flow in the area. After the treatment, your body will naturally reroute blood to other healthy veins in the area.

The most serious symptoms of vein damage include a painful, swollen and reddish leg or foot; deep vein thrombosis, which is a blood clot in the deep veins of your leg; and skin discoloration around the ankles or limbs, called cyanosis. Contact Center For Advanced Vein Care right away if you notice these symptoms, as early treatment can help prevent complications and lead to a faster recovery. Medications like anti-inflammatories and blood thinners can also help with the pain and swelling caused by damaged veins.